研究内容 / Research Topics †
情報伝達のための最も重要なメディアは、日本語や英語など、誰もが日常で使っている人間のための言語(ことば)です。人が話すこうした言語を、情報科学ではプログラミング言語などの形式言語と区別して「自然言語」と呼びます。 本研究室では、自然言語で表現され、伝達され、蓄積される情報や人の知識をコンピュータで処理するための基礎理論、基盤技術、応用技術に関する研究を行っています。自然言語処理(natural language processing)、人工知能(artificial intelligence)、知識情報処理(knowledge processing)、計算言語学(computational linguistics)、コミュニケーション科学(communication science)などの領域が我々のフィールドです。
The most important means for communication are the languages that we use everyday, like Japanese and English. In this lab, we conduct research in the following areas: (i) theoretical research to clarify and model the mechanism of communication, namely, what it means to understand language and the conditions that make communication possible (ii) Natural Language Processing research on the development of software that automatically processes the information and knowledge that is represented and transmitted in language; and (iii) applied research supporting intelligent communication or information analysis for the benefit of mankind. We approach an understanding of human intelligence from the perspective of natural language.

インターネットやウェブの爆発的な普及によって、誰でも大量の情報を入手し、蓄積し、発信できる時代になりました。しかし、その一方で、あまりにも多くの情報がネット上に無秩序に分散しているために、欲しい情報をうまく探せなかったり、重要な情報の存在に気づかなかったり、情報が信用できるかどうか分からなかったり、といった問題も日常的に起こっています。 さて、ここで言う情報はその多くが自然言語ですから、求められるのは自然言語処理です。膨大な言語情報をもしコンピュータで自動的に収集し、選別し、分析できるようになれば、また自動的に他言語に翻訳したり、対話的に人に伝えることができるようになれば、我々を取り巻く情報環境は大きく変わるでしょう。そうした自然言語処理によるWeb情報分析やコミュニケーション支援、知識循環の重要性が急速に高まっています。
Currently, we are in a period in which anyone can obtain and accumulate large quantities of information due to the widespread popularity of the Internet. However, due to the excessive amount of information that is widely spread on the Internet, often times it is difficult to successfully find desired information, recognize where important information exists, and to be able to trust every bit of information. Now, as most of this information is composed of natural language, there is a strong demand for Natural Language Processing (NLP). If computers were to automatically collect, sort, and analysis a large quantity of language information, as well as automatically translate other languages and interactively express information to individuals, our surrounding language environment would drastically change. Therefore, the importance of Web information analysis, communication support, and knowledge cycle via Natural Language Processing would rapidly increase.
In order to fulfill such an objective, it is absolutely necessary to develop technology which has the capability of understanding human language. Of course, this is not an easy objective. Luckily, NLP technologies have been steadily progressing towards this goal. For example, little by little, we are beginning to see signs of major breakthroughs due to the possibility of computers decisively being able to automatically acquire lacking world knowledge from a large amount of data and use for semantic analysis and inference.
In this laboratory, we expand upon this work by developing software which supports in theoretically solving communication structure and modeling, human being's intelligent communication, and information analysis. We aim for the wisdom of individuals by words. If you are looking for exciting research, then this laboratory is perfect.
東北大学サイエンスカフェ YouTube動画「言葉がわかるコンピューターはどこまでできたか ~言葉の不思議と自然言語処理の最前線」(概要(河北新報社), スライド, 2013年2月)
河北新報 科学の泉「言葉が分かるコンピューターを作る(全6回)」
主な研究テーマ / Main Research Themes †
- 自然言語処理技術の高度化と頑健化
- 深い言語理解のための大規模な知識獲得と柔軟な推論
- ビッグデータと機械学習に基づく人工知能
- 言語情報・非言語情報・深い推論の統合による知能ロボット対話
- 自然言語処理によるウェブ・ソーシャルメディアの分析と編集
- 災害関連情報・リスク情報のコミュニケーション支援
- 機械翻訳・翻訳支援・言語学習支援などの多言語処理
- 言語・意味・コミュニケーションの数理モデル
From fundamental theory to core and applied technologies of NLP and AI, we are working on a wide range of research topics.
- Natural Language Processing Technology High Performance and Robustness
- Large-scale Knowledge Acquisition and Flexible Inference for Deep Language Understanding
- Artificial Intelligence based on Big Data and Machine Learning
- Analysis and Compilation of Web and Social Media by Natural Language Processing
- Support for Disaster-Related Information and Risk Information
- Multi-language Processing for Machine Translation, Translation Support, and Language Learning Support
- Intelligent Robot Dialogue via Verbal Information, Non-verbal Information, and Deep Inference Integration
- Mathematical Models for Language, Understanding, and Communication
メンバーの研究テーマ / Research Themes of Members †
乾・鈴木研究室では、一人で一つの研究課題に取り組むこともできますし、数人でチームを構成して取り組むこともあります。メンバーの研究課題をこちらで紹介しています。 学位論文(卒業論文、修士論文、博士論文)はDissertationsでご覧になれます。
In Inui-Suzuki laboratory, you are allowed to work on a research theme on your own, and you can also work on a theme with a team of several members. Here, we introduce our members' research themes. Dissertations (graduation thesis, Master's thesis, Doctoral thesis) can be seen in Dissertations.
Step-QIスクール アドバンスト創造工学 / Step-QI School †
応用技術のテーマ例 / NLP and AI Applications †
With the rapid advancement in our current information society, the Internet, day by day, is advancing with an increase in both an enormous amount of information and knowledge. As information and knowledge on the Internet is often be scattered and can be difficult to conveniently find, it is extremely vital to discover such information and organize it in a way to conveniently provide it to its users. Within our laboratory, we aim for developing software technologies which can automatically assist in rapidly discovering such information and knowledge.
ウェブ・ソーシャルメディアの分析と編集 / Analyzing and Editing Information of the Web and Social Media †
Due to words and their role of being actively used in our society, our technology is also quickly spreading to be used actively in society as well. For example, on the Internet in which anyone has the ability to freely send information, at the same time existing information is being spread, unreliable information and false information is simultaneously being overwhelmingly spread. In regards to this information reliability problem, within this laboratory, we resolve various information sources automatically and analyze information from both sides which includes discovering agreeing and conflicting information with our Statement Map Project.
More information for the Statement Map project can be found here
災害関連情報・リスク情報のコミュニケーション支援 / Supporting Crisis Information Management †
- JST戦略的創造研究推進事業 さきがけ 「情報環境と人」研究領域, 2011.10-2014.9, 知識の自動獲得・構造化に基づく情報の論理構造とリスクの分析(研究代表者:岡崎直観)
- 厚生労働省・科学研究費補助金(食品の安全確保推進研究事業),H24-食品-指定-002,2012年度,リスクコミュニケーションにおける情報の伝達手法に関する研究(研究代表者:緒方裕光,分担者:乾健太郎,岡崎直観,他)
- 科学技術振興機構 RISTEX委託研究,2012年11月-2015年11月,災害対応支援を目的とする防災情報のデータベース化の支援と利活用システムの構築(研究代表者:乾健太郎,分担者:渡邉陽太郎,岡崎直観他) 研究概要 (PDF)
We currently develop Natural Language Processing technologies for bringing together communication between a disaster area, supporters, and various administrations.
- JST Strategic Basic Research Programs Presto [Information Environment and Humans] Research Field, 2011.10-2014.9, Analyzing logical structure and risk of information based on automatic knowledge acquisition and structuring (Representative Researcher: Naoaki OKAZAKI)
- Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare ・ Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (食品の安全確保推進研究事業),H24-食品-指定-002,2012年度,リスクコミュニケーションにおける情報の伝達手法に関する研究 (Representative Researcher: Hiromitsu OGATA, Members: Kentaro INUI, Naoaki OKAZAKI, etc)
- Japan Science and Technology Agency RISTEX Sponsored Research, 11/2012 - 11/2015, 災害対応支援を目的とする防災情報のデータベース化の支援と利活用システムの構築(Japanese Only) (Representative Researcher: Kentaro INUI, Members: Yotaro WATANABE, Naoaki OKAZAKI) Research Outline(Japanese Only) (PDF)
テキストマイニング、意見・経験情報マイニング / Text Mining and Opinion/Experience Mining †
From a collection of the vast amount of sentences on the Web (blogs, etc), we extract information regarding individual's opinions and personal experiences and, as structural information, apply it to a database in order to determine a common ground between various individual's personal experiences and knowledge and effectively take advantage of such information.
ロボット/エージェント対話 / Natural Language Dialogue Systems †
With the advancements of rapid language processing technologies and its information access, robots with the ability to communicate with humans and other software agents have been actively explored. For example, when using technology which is able to infer emotion by an individual's utterance, appropriate responses, such as "That sounds fun" in response to "I went to Disney Land today" and "Are you all right?" in response to "I lost my wallet" can be created. When using information access technology, given a sentence such as "I like Apple products", product information regarding the company Apple can be discovered on the Web and utterances such as "The iPhone5s camera seems to be high quality" and "The iPad is even being used in classrooms" can be said which allow for interesting conversation.
基盤技術 / Fundamental Technologies †
構文解析・意味解析 / Syntactic and Semantic Parsing †
We are conducting research to automatically and robustly analyze the syntactic structure of sentences (qualitative relations between sentences) and their content meaning (for example, predicates expressing events and their constituent elements) with high precision.
談話解析・文脈解析 / Discourse Analysis †
We are working on identifying the references for pronouns such as "that" and phrases such as "this + noun". This is crucial technology in applied fields such as information extraction and dialog systems.
大規模言語データからの知識獲得 / Knowledge Acquisition from Large-scale Text Data †
Using large-scale linguistic data consisting of hundreds of millions of sentences, we aim towards automatically acquiring knowledge such as the causal relation between events. The acquired knowledge is used to improve meaning and discourse analysis tasks.
人工知能:知識と推論 / Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge and Inference †
基礎理論 / Fundamental Theory †
言語の数理モデル / Mathematical Models of Language and Communication †
Constructing statistical models that capture the properties of language and the mechanism of communication can be an effective way to incorporate semantic language analysis in applications such as advanced language understanding and information analysis.
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