FrontPage / SIG Language Learning / 2011
概要 †
2011年度 †
- 日時
- 毎週月曜日 13:00-
- 主な参加者
- 乾,岡﨑,Eric,水野,梅澤,高松
- キーワード
- 用例検索,推敲・校正
予定・記録 †
- 2/4
- 梅澤: 進捗報告 (🔒pptx)(🔒NLP2012提出論文)
- 高松: 進捗報告 (🔒スライド, 🔒NLP2012提出論文)
- 1/26
- 1/23
- 1/16
- 梅澤: 進捗報告
- 高松: 進捗報告
- 英作文支援のための用例検索システムの構築 (🔒第一稿)
- 12/19
- 梅澤: 進捗報告
- 🔒内部資料
- 高松: 進捗報告
- 梅澤: 進捗報告
- 12/12
- 梅澤: 進捗報告
- NLP用ストーリー(🔒内部資料)
- 高松: 進捗報告
- NLP2012に向けてのメモ(水野さんのコメント入り) 🔒内部資料
- 検索手法 用途別まとめ
- 梅澤: 進捗報告
- 12/5
- 梅澤: 進捗報告
- 高松: 進捗報告
- 用例検索システムのサーベイ (🔒内部資料.xlsx)
- 11/28
- 梅澤: 進捗報告
- 🔒内部資料
- 高松: 論文紹介
- Claudia Leacock, Michael Gamon, and Chris Brockett. 2009. User Input and Interactions on Microsoft ESL Assistant. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (pp. 73-81). (🔒内部資料)
- 梅澤: 進捗報告
- 11/21
- 梅澤: 進捗報告
- (🔒内部資料)
- 梅澤: 進捗報告
- 11/14
- 梅澤: 進捗報告
- 高松: 進捗報告
- StringNet++(仮)の進捗報告と今後の予定 (🔒内部資料)
- 10/24
- 10/17
- 10/5
- 梅澤: 進捗報告
- 🔒内部資料
- 梅澤: 進捗報告
- 9/14
- 梅澤: 進捗報告
- 🔒内部資料
- 梅澤: 進捗報告
- 9/7(水) 15:30-
- 高松(through skype): 進捗報告
- 夏休みの報告 🔒スライド
- David Wible, Nai-Lung Tsao, StringNet as a Computational Resource for Discovering and Investigating Linguistic Constructions. 🔒論文1
- Nai-Lung Tsao, David Wible, A Method for Unsupervised Broad-Coverage Lexical Error Detection and Correction. 🔒論文2
- Using Statistical Techniques and Web Search to Correct ESL Errors ( )
- 高松(through skype): 進捗報告
- 7/20 (水) 17:00-
- 永島
- 7/13 (水) 19:00-
- 梅澤: 進捗報告
- Helping Our Own 🔒内部資料
- 梅澤: 進捗報告
- 6/29 (水) 17:00-
- 梅澤: 進捗報告
- 冠詞誤り検出について 🔒内部資料
- 梅澤: 進捗報告
- 6/8 (水) 15:00-
- 水野
- キックオフ 🔒内部資料
- 水野
参考リンク †
- ACL-HLT 2011: 6th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA-5)
- Helping Our Own(HOO)
- a new shared task in text correction
- CALICO (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium)
- 自然言語処理技術を応用した英語学習者の誤用に関する包括的かつ体系的分析
関連論文 †
Tutorial †
StringNet †
- StringNet as a Computational Resource for Discovering and Investigating Linguistic Constructions. David Wible, Nai-Lung Tsao. Proceedings of the NAACL HLT Workshop on Extracting and Using Constructions in Computational Linguistics, pages 25‒31, 2010.
- The StringNet Lexico-Grammatical Knowledgebase and its Applications. David Wible, Nai-Lung Tsao. Proceedings of the Workshop on Multiword Expressions: from Parsing and Generation to the Real World (MWE 2011), pages 128‒130, 2011.
- A Method for Unsupervised Lexical Error Detection and Correction. Nai-Lung Tsao and David Wible. The NAACL Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, Boulder, Colo- rado, pp. 51-54. 2009.
Query Expansion †
- Phrasal translation and query expansion techniques for cross-language information retrieval. In Proceedings of the 20th Annual International ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’97, Phila- delphia, PA, July 27–31), N. J. Belkin, A. D. Narasimhalu, P. Willett, W. Hersh, F. Can, and E. Voorhees, Eds, ACM Press, New York, NY, 84–91. BALLESTEROS, L. AND CROFT, W. B. 1997.
- P. A. Chirita, C. S. Firan, and W. Nejdl. Personalized query expansion for the web. In Proc. of SIGIR ’07, pages 7–14, 2007.
- VOORHEES, E. 1994. Query expansion using lexical-semantic relations. In Proceedings of ACM SIGIR (Dublin, Ireland).
- Akrivas, G., Wallace, M., Andreou, G., Stamou, G., and Kollias, S., “Context-Sensitive Semantic Query Expansion,” in Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Systems, Divnomorskoe, Russia, 2002, pp. 109-104.
Others †
- GRASP: Grammar- and Syntax-based Pattern-Finder in CALL. CC Huang, MH Chen, ST Huang, HC Liou, J S. Chang. Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, pages 96‒104, 2011.
- A cross-lingual pattern retrieval framework. MH Chen, CC Huang, ST Huang, HC Liou,J S. Chang. Manuscript received November 28, 2010. Manuscript accepted for publication January 5, 2011.
- EdIt: A Broad-Coverage Grammar Checker Using Pattern Grammar. CC Huang, MH Chen, ST Huang, J S. Chang. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies: Systems Demonstrations. 2011.
- Using Statistical Techniques and Web Search to Correct ESL Errors. Michael Gamon, Claudia Leacock, Chris Brockett, William B. Dolan, Jianfeng Gao, Dmitriy Belenko, and Alexandre Klementiev. CALICO Journal, 26(3), pp 491-511. 2009.
- Xiaohua Liu, Bo Han, and Min Zhou. 2011. Correcting Verb Selection Errors for ESL with the Perceptron. In Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Computational linguistics and intelligent text processing - Volume Part II, CICLing’11, pages 411–423, Berlin, Heidelberg. Springer-Verlag.
- Claudia Leacock, Michael Gamon, and Chris Brockett. 2009. User Input and Interactions on Microsoft ESL Assistant. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (pp. 73-81).
- A. Rozovskaya and D. Roth 2010. Annotating ESL Errors: Challenges and Rewards. In Proceedings of the NAACL Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications.
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